What was the aim of Pavlovs dog experiment
To study that, he ended up inserting a small tube in the cheek of each dog.After several repetitions, the sound alone caused salivation of the dogs.In the beginning, ivan pavlov's purpose of the experiment was to study the dog's digestive system.The dog was strapped into a harness to stop it moving about and its mouth was linked to a tube that drained saliva away into a measuring bottle.Ivan pavlov's classical conditioning dog salivation experiment (pavlov, 1901) 7 terms.
Pavlov's study was conducted with dogs and due to higher cognitive and mental processes, it reduces the likelihood of generalizing the findings to humans describe the likelihood of replicability pavlov's study was conducted with standardized procedures which enhances the reliability and increases the likelihood of tests for replicabilityClassical conditioning consists of associating an initially neutral stimulus.Pavlov's studies have helped us understand associative learning through classical conditioning.Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.Pavlov placed each dog in a sealed room that didn't allow the dog to see, smell or hear anything outside.