Is religious dogma bad

Is religious dogma bad

It's partially for this reason that religion has received a bad name.So many people get stumped on this one, and all sorts of horrendous division, judgement, condemnation, war and bloodshed has occurred over it.Dogma causes unsupportable cognitive biases and cognitive dissonance.Dogma does not imply that something is bad, wrong or untrue.Bad religious dogmas cannot be replaced by good religious dogmas.

Matta means something which is not entirely bad, but contains both good and bad, while pramatta means something.While it will be a time of purification of the church, and many would leave, she must remain as she was founded.They have clergy who are highly influential and historically, were afforded automatic respect and deference and high status.My god is the correct god (not yours);That statement captures the nature of the christian message, and points to a further fact:

Rather all dogmas, which are irrational ideas, are bad.The salvation of our world is truly possible when each of us have the courage to drop the hot rock of dogmatic religious beliefs and identification, and instead look within to remember and return to the love that we already are.An integral part of abrahamic faiths is the mechanism of passing them on to new generations.Welcome to christian forums, a forum to discuss christianity in a friendly surrounding.Only then, as john lennon reminds us in his song imagine, will we live as one.

Not even close to all religions are dogmatic.Religion as a tool remains vulnerable to be used and abused because it is a powerful source of wellbeing for most of humanity.Christian logic, its dark dogma, millennia old, implemented and upheld, is the best guarantee that the world will never change, never improve, and never become egalitarian, a great place for all!It's ok to believe whatever you believe in, and one should be free to do so.Religion is an excellent example.

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