Which is better giving or receiving
People feel better when they have given a gift because they done someone a favor.Among women, giving more support than receiving in intimate relationships positively affected subsequent health status, as indicated by fewer sickness absences.Results indicate that the major dimensions of social support are significantly interrelated, not only directly but also indirectly.Among men, receiving more support than giving predicted fewer absences.Giving is better than receiving.
During the holiday season, one custom that is shared across many religious and cultural traditions ranging from christmas to hanukkah to kwanzaa is the act of giving to others.It is better to give than to receive.It contains too many previews and recaps—too much.People who have been on the receiving end of kindness to pay it forward and give to others even when they have hardly anything to give.Keeping this in mind, when we give god's blessings that were originally ours to others, we become god's channels of blessing to those in need.