What to do with a toddler that won t listen
If your kids aren't listening or are giving you a hard time with tough behavior, learn about why you should say yes to your kids more often and then sit back and enjoy all the magic that follows….Whether your child insists they didn't hear you the first three times you told them to turn off their video game, or they argue every time you tell them to get ready for bed.Repeating back is part of a technique called active listening where a person's message is important enough to be reinforced by repetition.Give and follow through with consequences.When your toddler won't listen, the first thing you need to do is stay calm.
Being consistent is more than shouting the same request over and over, but it's also important to be consistent in all aspects related to the undesired behavior.Instead of saying, stop doing this or stop grabbing the baby.For kids with attention deficit disorder, failure doesn't merely discourage, it devastates.This is adding fuel to a fire and may not help if your 4 year old doesn't listen already.This is a foundational principle in getting through to kids who won't listen because it teaches them you won't give in no matter how bad.
What to do when your 2 year old doesn't listen.For example, rather than stop running say use your walking feet.She took me one isle over, and i could tell the dad is wanting this to be over.But here's what i want us to do instead.When your toddler refuses to listen, your first instinct may be to repeat the instructions more loudly, possibly even yelling.
If they continue to break the rule, a consequence will follow.It's easy to get caught in the cycle of saying 'no' and all the iterations of it.First and foremost, if you want your toddler to listen to you, consistency is key!Keep your cool and don't yell.When toddlers aren't listening, it can be easy to lose your cool.
When your toddler doesn't listen, it's a natural reaction to repeat yourself.Hmmm…you really want the mermaid and sounds like that won't work for your dad.Believe me, as someone whose natural tendency is to yell, this does not come easily to me, but it works.While most children protest a bit about being disciplined, kids with adhd often react with intense indignation and anger.