What makes a fear irrational

What makes a fear irrational

A shaky ceiling fan turned on high.Fear is irrational and useless.Fear is not a rational thought.An inappropriate, irrational or excessive fear of a particular object or situation, that interferes with normal life.This is because of the crippling anxiety the irrational fear can cause when not treated.

The answer may lie in how our brains are wired, allowing us to respond to danger before we've even had time to think about it.1) let the fear win and hide myself away and remain emotionally unavailable or 2) get in there live my damn life.Pain in the chest or a sensation of tightness.Still, most have no obvious cause.That makes it a little difficult 1) living by a creek, and 2) watching tv when every other laundry detergent commercial thinks i know what will help sell the idea of crisp, clean clothes:

There two choices to make for me in regard to relationships right now:It's likely that experiences create negative thinking, which in turn causes irrational thinking.A feeling of being overwhelmed by anxiety, panic or fear.Indeed, some people experience palpitations, shortness of breath and react quite strongly when they're confronted with a forgotten memory.That is an irrational fear.

You saying that just makes me picture the episode of spongebob where they raise the caterpillar and it turns in to a butterfly and they they freak out when it gets close and they can see its face and shows a few frames of it zoomed in and blown up.Irrational fear is being terrified of flying or the possibility of a plane crash to the point that you don't take vacations anywhere that requires a flight.Give exposure therapy a try.

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